Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I have a question.

Do you have a certain way you like to line up your tabs on whatever you use to open the Internet? Because I totally do.

Here's my line-up: my e-mail (Gmail, of course), (when I pretend I'm working) my webmail for work, Facebook, Twitter, Google Reader, then whatever links I find interesting on my Google Reader/whatever else I'm looking at. I also like to have a completely separate window for Pandora.

And I'm sort of really anal about it. But I like having a specific order to things usually. Even though 7 out of 10 times, the order makes absolutely no sense to anyone except me. (For example, my kitchen cabinets, but we won't go there right now.)

Wow, I hope I have a snow day tomorrow. Otherwise it's going to be a LONG day.


Loopaleep said...

Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, ModelMayhem, Pandora... then whatever else I have open that day.

Not unusual.

Pie said...

What is ModelMayhem?