Sunday, July 25, 2010

Meet my roomies!

So like I mentioned in my last post, I recently had two new roomies move in. It's been a little over a month, but we're getting along pretty well. Their stuff has taken over the entire apartment, though. But here are the little chub-munsters.

Tommy is the orange tabby, and Marigold is the tortoise shell. They're approximately six years old. As I write this, Marigold is sleeping on the dining room table and Tommy is in the doorway of my bedroom. They sleep about 90 percent of the day. Here are more pictures for your (my) viewing pleasure.

Tommy hiding under the table.

Marigold mid-yawn.
Aren't they super adorable? Well it's getting late and tomorrow is Monday, so the chub-munsters and I heading to bed.

Hopefully more posts will follow. But let's be honest, only time will tell.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.

Geez, is everyone blogging now? A friend somewhere always seems to be starting and updating a blog. Way to make a gal feel guilty, guys. The sad part is I really do think about updating this blog, and I come across interesting tidbits that I think should be shared. But after a 12-hour day, I simply have no urge to write a post.

So to jump back in, I'll update you on my three resolutions and new developments in my life. Then I'll make an attempt to start blogging again. But let's be clear--I'm not making any promises here.

Goal #1: Write more.
While I don't really write much outside of work, I do feel like I'm getting to write a lot more--way more than I was writing on January 1, 2010. So I feel I've done well in that regard, and I hope it only improves from here.

Goal #2: Lose 5lbs.
Reality: HA! Unless I get my butt in gear in the next 5.5 months, this will not be happening. Along with no urge to post, I also have no urge to exercise. Just like thinking about posting, I think about working out on the commute home. Then I get home. And nothing happens.

Goal #3: Save three months rent.
Reality: This goal is actually progressing along nicely. We'll see what happens over the next month, but even if I fail, I am happy with what I've saved. I think the goal was a little lofty to begin with. Good thing I hate falling short of my own goals.

Other updates:

#1: I have two new furry roommates, Tommy and Marigold. We've actually been acquainted since 2007, but they've recently moved in. I inherited them from my grandma. I'll post photos later, and don't worry, I'm sure this blog will be full of their photos soon.

#2: I am still happily employed and living in the city, hence the change of name for the blog (again). And don't really have any other updates because, despite living in a big city, I still manage to live a boring life (which I enjoy, thanks).

And with that, I'm finishing this post and crawling into bed to read a book.

Three cheers to a boring life!