Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So if you haven't noticed by now, I'm a cat person. I can't wait until I have my own place and my own cat. Don't get me wrong though; I have two beautiful cats at my parent's home. One technically belongs to my brother and one is mine, but whatever. I could never just take mine (Malificent) away from her sister (Mercedes). I could never take both of them away for the dogs or my parents. So I must get my own cat. If it's a boy, I think I'll name it Maximus. I haven't figured out a girl's name yet.

Anyways, I'm reading this blog Lifehacker and they must be cat lovers over there because they have the cutest ideas. One of my favorites is the Cat Haven made from Ikea shelves. You need a little space, but the cat in the picture looks so happy. Another one of my favorites is the cat perch made from a wine crate. It's a great place for your cat, and it's rather stylish. I will definitely keep these ideas in mind for my future cats. Cute, huh?

Well this is even cuter. Check it out:

...love cats. Can't wait to adopt one.

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