Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Save Your Printing Ink!

As summer approaches, many of you will probably be out on the job or internship search. But before you print out that resume, check this out!

Staples has launched their "Career Stimulus Program," which entails of printing out 20 free copies of your resume and 40 free business cards! You have until June 13th, 2009 to print them, too!

So update your resume and head over to a Staples near you.


Jo said...

Wow! What an amazing of Staples. That builds good customer service. Thanks for the tip. :-)

Jo said...

I meant what an amazing "idea" of Staples. I type too fast. *heh*

Pie said...

I think Office Depot offered a similar service. FedEx did, too, a while ago. It's definitely helpful these days.

Glad to help!

JobSearchNinja said...

Setting yourself manageable job search targets on a daily or weekly basis, and even scoring yourself to make sure that you stay on track, helps to make you feel in control of an area of life which might otherwise begin to feel totally unmanageable.

Pie said...

Hey JobSearchNinja! Great comment. I definitely agree. Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you around again soon.