Monday, March 30, 2009
A Never-Ending Story: Women and Men
The author Keith Blanchard edited Maxim for four years and came out with this list of things he learned about women. Below are a few of my favorites with comments. (If you click on the article, you can read his comments on his list. I think it's worth reading (if anything for a good laugh).
His fact: Women like when you play with their hair.
I agree with this one especially when you’re cuddling in bed or on the couch watching TV. It’s so calming. But it isn’t like we’re the only ones that like this. I know quite a few guys who like this, too.
His fact: Women have the raw deal.
Finally, someone that recognizes this. His explanation is funny and sad all at the same time:
“We actually catalogued the details in one of the earliest Maxim pieces, "50 Reasons It's Great To Be a Guy." You know: "you don't have to carry a purse around," and "just one mood, all month long, ha ha!" and so on. Well, as the guys brainstormed, our list kept growing ("haircuts are cheaper!" and "more pay for the same work!" and "nobody is ever, ever looking at your ass!") and it started to dawn on us that this wasn't just a funny conceit: Biology and society have conspired to stack the deck unfairly against the fairer sex in dozens of ways.”
His fact: Women don’t believe men’s wandering gaze is innocent.
I like his reasoning here, too. He pretty much says that guys should try harder not to get caught. If it truly is an innocent gaze (see fact: He’s right. I don’t.), then stare on your free time. You aren’t with us all the time. Sadly, us girls know we can be a little self-conscious and we know you know that, too. Spare us from doubting ourselves and from the argument that’s bound to happen. It’s what going out with your buddies is for.
Media-Go-Round: 3/24-3/30
But I'm continuing my media news roundups because I find it important for people to know what's happening in the media. Although, I'm going to try to add a bit more commentary.
- This week's folding announcements include Blender magazine and Ann Arbor News, with layoffs here and here and here and here and here. The sad part is that I probably didn't even catch them all. With the slow death of newspapers and magazines, you have to wonder what will happen to journalism as we know it. It's an exciting time to be an already established journalist, but as a journalist fresh out of school with no job prospects? Not so much.
- Hachette Filipacci is selling off titles. To be honest, I haven't seen much positivity when it comes to sold titles. They're like the red-headed stepchildren of whoever buys them. Best of luck with that.
- Obama skipped out on important newspapers during his news conference. Instead of taking questions from the NYT, WaPo, WSJ or USAT, he took questions from other sources. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's good that he recognized other news sources, but at the same time, those major titles are read by people all over the country. Newspapers are also dying, so wouldn't it be helpful to have the president's support in at least answering to them? Aren't they the watchdogs of the government?
- Your favorite magazine fold? No fears; make your own. Hewlitt-Packard is offering a new Web service, MagCloud, which allows anyone to create their own magazine and print it at 20 cents a page. It's more for people who want a magazine about a favorite hobby or very niche-esque things. I'm not really sure how I feel about it though. Would you make your own magazine?
- Freelancing is becoming essential for most journalists, but you have to beware of the one's that don't pay well. I can't believe SELF is on there though. It takes time for the paperwork to go through and all, but they pay! General shadiness? I don't believe it.
- Barbara Walters might retire?? She's a pretty amazing woman at 79 years old. I still want to read her autobiography.
- This is starting to become a frequently seen thing--ads on the cover of magazines. The latest victim? ESPN The Magazine. To be honest, at this point, if it saves magazines, I'm all for it. It's on the cover of the magazine. Now if it were an advertorial inside a national magazine, I might get a little more upset.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
How Exciting!
I ran TWO miles today on the treadmill in 25 minutes (five minute cool down included). I don't know how I kept running, but I did. AND I wasn't even really watching TV. I was listening to music though. This, my friends, is a milestone in the ongoing quest to conquer the treadmill.
Treadmill, you are so going down. Victory is MINE!
Little Internet Joys
- Dead at Your Age: I'll admit; this site is a little strange. You can learn about famous people who died at your age or younger. But useless bits of information are always entertaining.
- Monster Tetris Game: I can tell you now that I have never finished a game and probably never will. In fact, sometimes I get bored after about five minutes. But if you're a Tetris-lover, this just might be your Heaven.
- Life is Short. Synopit.: Ok, I confess I haven't used this one before, but it still intrigues me. Since we're always on the go, this site apparently summarizes long articles. If you try it, let me know how it goes.
- Bubble Wrap: The title says it all. I kind of love this one.
- Twistori: According to Twitter, it's a social experiment type-thing. I don't get it, but it still entertains.
I hope you still get things done during your day though.
Am I an Apple or a Pear?
The post generally explains that the names for the body sizes that many magazines use to help us readers shop for clothes are fairly ridiculous, dated and offensive. You know the body sizes I’m talking about: pear-shaped, tall, boyish, etc.
This quote pretty much sums it up: “Which is all well and good, I suppose, unless you happen to be a Pear-Shaped Busty Tall Woman looking for ideas on Plus-Size gowns, because the advice for each category is markedly different, which would lead many women to believe that there are only certain aspects of their bodies that are truly worth addressing, as opposed to concentrating on what fits and feels good.”
I have to say I completely agree. I have absolutely no idea what “size” my body is. (Although, at 5 foot 3 and a half inches, I can pretty much forget the “tall” part.) Even my beloved SELF magazine (I really do love this magazine) trips me up with their body sizes: top-heavy, thick-waisted, petite and bottom-heavy. To be honest, a lot of the time I just flip past those pages because I get annoyed trying to figure out what I am. And sometimes, I like a look that isn't for my body type (I think), which makes me a little sad inside. Should I not wear that? WHY NOT?
And I really hate it when they have articles about picking out jeans. First off, standing in front of a mirror trying to judge what my behind is shaped like and so forth is never enjoyable. (Although I do remember an article in Glamour, I think, that had a story about buying jeans from Web sites that designed—almost molded—jeans to your exact measurements, which I enjoyed.)
I also hate some of the beauty articles for that matter, too. I cannot, for the life of me, tell what shape my face is, which leads me to become a nervous wreck because what if I pick the wrong haircut and look… well, ugly.
First, I’m sad because I can’t wear the clothes I think are cute. Second, I’m sad because my behind and a mirror are not the best of friends. Third, I’m sad because the haircut I want won’t look right. Anyone else noticing the trend?
Instead of helping you feel better about “shopping for your type,” magazines really are kind of making things worse. Pointing out trends or even how to mix simple articles of clothing is cool for the most part. And I know there is a good intention behind helping us shop for our type, but it just has the opposite affect for me. So I’ll stick to the traditional shopping route. If I like it, I’ll try it on. If it looks good, then it was made for my body type. End of story.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wake-Up Call
The general point of the story in SELF is this: Unexpected teen pregnancies are not the bulk of unexpected pregnancies. That said, guess who makes up the bulk. Females in their 20s do. Women like me. Wow.
The beginning of the post on starts with this: “About half of American women will have an accidental pregnancy before the age of 45.” I’m sure that not all of those women are single, nor are all of those pregnancies are unwanted. In fact, to be honest, I was unexpected. My parents were planning on waiting another year or so, but clearly I was a little impatient to get my life started.
But why the (for the most part) college-educated woman in her 20s? Some ideas include getting married later in life, but still being sexually active; living with their partners; and even being forced into having unprotected sex. SELF continues to say that birth rates may have increased because more unmarried women are deciding to keep their babies. I think maybe it’s partly a lack of education about the proper use of birth control or just not properly using birth control or this ridiculous notion some of us have that “it will never happen to me.”
But I think this quote says a lot: "It's confusing to talk about it," says Shanti Kulkarni, Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of social work at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. "It's easier to coalesce around this idea that it's not good for teenagers to get pregnant. It's not as clear what pregnancy means for the life of a woman in her 20s." For some women, surprise motherhood ends up being the blessing of a lifetime. Others choose abortion with no regrets. But the high rate of unintended pregnancy remains distressing, Kulkarni says, because "it suggests that women are not as in control of their sexuality and childbearing as we would hope."
Scary, isn’t it though? How do you go about solving it? Or should it be labeled as a problem? You can’t really tell a 20-something-year-old woman that sex is bad. You can tell her unprotected sex is bad, but chances are she knows that. What approach do you take? I’m glad SELF decided to run this story though because at least it brings about awareness.
The part picks up is that in all the examples of SELF the women either give the child up for adoption or keep their child, but end up needing support from family. The article lacks two major points of view: the women who had an abortion and the woman who kept her baby and continued to support herself and child. I kind of agree. Thanks SELF for bringing this out into the public, but we need to flesh out the whole story. What happens to those women? What was their decision making process like? Do they come out ok, too?
By sharing all sides of the story, doesn’t that make you a little more educated at least in your choices should you ever become pregnant? And beyond the women, what about the men? I know SELF is a woman’s magazine, but shouldn’t someone inform men that, guess what, this girl in the story could be your girlfriend, and you’re about to have a baby.
I’ve never been in this situation, and I pray I never am. I’ve known a lot of women in this position though. So not to be a Debbie Downer, but remember, a lot of you are 20-something-year-old women, a lot of you are dating 20-something-year-old women, a lot of you have 20-something-year-old daughters, a lot of you have sons who are dating 20-something-year-old women.
Please read both stories. Let it sink in. If you want to chat about it, leave a comment or e-mail me.
PS: If you plan to comment about it, I’d prefer no negativity. I realize everyone’s opinions are different, but being that this is my blog, I ask you to be respectful. Otherwise, I’ll delete the comment. The point of this post is to bring awareness; not to judge.
Living on the Wild Side

Unfortunately, because they’re exotic, they are clearly going to be expensive. It looks like they range anywhere from $1,500 to $20,000. (That’s right; I looked around.) So I probably won’t be getting one unless I win the lottery. If that happens, I’ll have a house full of Savannahs! I also can’t have one if I want to live in New York City, Alaska, Iowa, Hawaii, Massachusetts or Georgia. Lame.
Nevertheless, you can get them with different degrees of “wildness.” I think I would like a 75 percent domestic 25 percent serval combination, which would be an F2 Savannah. They’re also a little bigger than your average cat and tend to have long legs. You can train your kitty to go on walks on a leash and to play fetch! They tend to enjoy water, too. Also they can “chortle” like their wild counterparts do or they might purr like their domestic counterparts or both. They also have a snake-like hiss; so great.
Doesn't this kind of make you want one, too?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Nothing Like a Good Book

The book begins with Margaret Lea, a biographer and avid reader, being asked to write the biography of Vida Winter, a best-selling author and known liar when it came to interviews. What ensues is a story of mystery, incest, murder, secrets and lies.
I refuse to give any of it away, so check it out. It's been out for a while, so I'm certain you can find it in the library or something. One of my favorite parts:
"I have always been a reader; I have read at every stage of my life, and there has never been a time when reading was not my greatest joy. And yet I cannot pretend that the reading I have done in my adult years matches in its impact on my soul the reading I did as a child. I still believe in stories. I still forget myself when I am in the middle of a good book. Yet it it not the same. Books are, for me, it must be said, the most important thing; what I cannot forget is that there was a time when they were at once more banal and more essential than that. When I was a child, books were everything."
How true.
I Want One!

These two cuties have no names yet and their sex will be determined after their first vet exam. They won't be on exhibit either. (Hence plan to find a way into the center.) They were born to Jao Chu and Hannibal, both from Thailand, and are the first babies born at the zoo in 16 years.
I wanted to share a video of them, but something is apparently wrong with the embedding code (blah, blah, blah). So if you want to see it, check it out here. Mad adorable.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Time To Test the Water?
Maybe it's time I take action.
Thanks to, I have some new ideas on where to attempt meeting new people (ok, mostly men, but whatever, maybe I'll find new girl friends, too). Their number one place to meet hot guys is... Chipotle! Strange, no? I'm not sure there is one around me. We have a Baja Fresh; will that work? They claim the best place to find a date is... Whole Foods! Yeah, don't shop there. Harris Teeter will have to work. Next, if you're into a hot, sexy, healthy, fit guy, they suggest trying a triathlon. HA! My substitution? The gym. Normally I go in there to actually work out, but maybe I'll hang out a little longer and try to make some friends. I've kind of talked to people, but not really. Plus I think most of them go there to...surprise! work out!
The last two on the list aren't really helpful to me particularly. Best place to be single? Alaska. It has 114 men for every 100 single women, according to the U.S. Census. Sounds great, but something tells me Alaska is not my cup of tea. For all you recent divorcees, your second husband is waiting for you at the playground on a Saturday morning (if you like children, of course. Otherwise maybe hit up Chipotle or Whole Foods.).
With warm weather (supposedly) approaching soon, meeting new people sounds like a good idea. Where do you find luck meeting new people? Let me know, and I'll let you know if any of these places (or substitutes) work out!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Do Your Part
TODAY ONLY: Ben & Jerry's reveals its eCONEomic Relief Plan

When you bring in a non-perishable food item to your participating Ben & Jerry's, you receive a delish scoop of any flavor for $1. All items will be donated to your community's foodbank. Pretty sweet deal, right?
"It's what makes Ben & Jerry's different," said spokesperson Sean Greenwood from the Vermont headquarters. "You do a good deed, the local food bank prospers in a tough economic time, and we all get a little more joy for the belly and soul." [Source:]
Monday, March 23, 2009
I Will Win, Treadmill.
As the weather gets warmer, all of these joggers start coming out. Usually I roll my eyes and think awful thoughts when I see them, but maybe (odds are slim to none, but I can dream) this summer (it's already spring; one goal at a time) I will join them. Just in case you plan on doing the same thing, here are some tips for transitioning from the treadmill to... the outdoors from FitSugar.
- Start slow. The full transition apparently takes about one to two months. Who knew it was this serious? One outdoor run a week is a good start, and build as you feel more comfortable.
- Run at a slower pace and run shorter distances to get used to all of those extra outdoor challenges. You don't want to trip or get stuck at the bottom of a hill.
- Be safe! Bring a buddy, an ID and your cell phone, just in case. Fanny pack anyone?
For more tips, check it out here.
Media-Go-Round: 3/17-3/23
- Dear Bloggers, are you sure you know what you're doing by saying you'll pay for online content? I hope so.
- Twitter will take over the world, one newspaper at a time.
- Think I'll buy a Vanity Fair this month simply for this shoot. I love it.
- This one hurt a little. People magazine promoted advertorial on the cover. Is this what it takes to survive nowadays?
- I made my own magazine, thanks to Time Inc. More info here; make it here.
- Supposedly only the crappy magazines are dying.
- Conde Nast suffers layoffs and budget cuts. Again.
- Ellie nominations were announced.
- Natasha Richardson suffered a serious head injury while skiing and passed away. Please always wear a helmet.
- Bruce Willis married model and actress Emma Heming.
- Harrison Ford proposed to Calista Flockheart over Valentine's Day weekend. They've been together for seven and a half years.
- One of my favorite designers Marc Jacobs also got engaged.
- This is why I don't like deer. Poor Matt Lauer.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
In Love with This Song
Second, my aunt introduced to a FABULOUS FABULOUS song that I didn't know existed until today even though it's over 30 years old. It fits most beautifully with the blog. I guess I've always heard the phrase, but I didn't realize it was a song. Helen Reddy, you are officially one of my idols now.
Check this out (and listen to the words!):
Friday, March 20, 2009
You've Got To Be Kidding
This leaves behind the unpaid internship, which is fine during the college years when you still have health insurance and your parents to support you. But after college, with no money, no place to live and no health insurance, the unpaid internship becomes nearly impossible, too. What's an aspiring journalist to do?
Wait, wait, it doesn't stop there. In fact, it's getting WORSE. Your opportunity at an unpaid internship may disappear soon, too! Why? Because your mom decided she wanted to learn new skills to keep up with you (yet fails to see that you are still unemployed).
Don't believe me? Watch the video.
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Please, dear media, come back to life.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Oh My Goodness!
Perhaps it's due to Thursday night TV night (Thanks NCAA for not having Survivor tonight, so I could watch Ugly Betty! Bye bye, Izzie!!), my looming To-Do list or the fact that I can't stop thinking about food.
I feel like someone once told me that when you start eating healthy things, your body recognizes it and starts to want more of it. Is this true? If so, man, I think I'm doomed. I've been drinking Odawalla Super Food lately, which according to their Web site is a "blend of sweet apple juice and luscious puree of peach, mango, strawberry and banana, expertly blended with green foods including wheat grass, barley grass and wheat sprouts, plus other great stuff." I call that pretty healthy compared to what usually enters my body (ie. Girl Scout Cookies). Can someone shed some light?
Since I can't think of anything to write about, tell me what you like to read about. Seriously. I'm just curious. If it helps, I'll start. I read about all things media, celebrities, sex/dating/relationship stuff, great deals, people's lives, job advice, beauty, books and so much more. Your turn!
Bring On the Warmth

Be sure to let me know what flavors you chose!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Age is Just a Number, Right?
A recent example: As I've posted before, my friends and I recently went to a Britney Spears concert. The girl sitting next to my friend announces, "I haven't seen Britney in concert since I was six!" For the record, Baby One More Time (her first big hit) was released in October '98 and didn't become a #1 hit on Billboard until January '99. AHHH!
Anyways, since I'm starting to feel old, I thought I'd share a way to make you feel old, too. Thanks to's Flashback Charts, you can find out what was the #1 song on your birthday, hs graduation, wedding date, etc.
On my birthday, the number one hit was "That's What Friends Are For" by Dionne Warwick and Friends.
What was playing when you were born?
The Cold Hard Truth
If you've gone grocery shopping, you've probably noticed that prices have gone up and container sizes have shrunk. Well! Such is not the case for Ben & Jerry's, thank goodness. A pint is and always will be a pint! Here's part of the e-mail they sent to The Consumerist:
No fear though. If you're truly in a sundae fix and don't feel like paying extra for anything, do I have a deal for you. GET TWO SUNDAES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE with this coupon at Baskin-Robbins! Hurry though; it expires in 10 days.
Just One of Those Days

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
An Apple a Day
If you're on the job search like many of us, I suggest One Day One Job. It mainly focuses on entry level jobs, but I'm sure anyone can benefit from it. The companies showcased on the site are often very unique and interesting companies.
Hey college students, they do the same thing for internships, too! Check out One Day One Internship. Maybe you'll find an internship that will change your entire life. You never know.
For those of you interested in quotes or motivation like me, check out Oneaday. It provides one Chinese idiom a day. It even shows how to write it in Chinese characters. Today's is "The road to happiness is always strewn with difficulties and setbacks."
I'd like to say I'm a writer, and sometimes I fall victim to writer's block. One Word provides a fun little exercise to help break free of the block. It gives you one word and you have one minute to write about it. It seriously times you though, so don't stop to delete and edit. Just let it flow.
Music is constantly playing in the background as I run through my chores of the day. It's pretty much replaced my habit of watching hours of TV. Even in school, I used to listen to music while writing papers, etc. It just helps me focus. So clearly, I welcome new music all the time leading me to tell you about OnesongOneday. It's just like the title suggests; one song each day.
Do you have any sites like this? I'd love to hear about more.
Monday, March 16, 2009
I may be a blogaholic.
So I figured I'd share some of my absolute favorites and ask you about yours. That's right. I want to know what you read, so I can continue to feed my addiction. Here are just a few I truly enjoy:
WalletPop's blog - I've mentioned this blog before, but I really just can't get enough. I learn the most interesting things and score great deals. The blog is updated a handful of times during the day, too, which keeps me constantly reading. I strongly suggest you at least take a peek.
Working Girl - This is a blog about two working girls' lives. I will say they haven't been updating it much, which makes me a little sad inside. Up until recently, both girls lived in New York. They provide a lot of advice and funny anecdotes. It's entertaining to me.
The Holy Cookie - I'll admit it, I'm not really all that religious. But I read Cookie's blog anyways because she does a great job of blending religion and life stories. She's also a good friend of mine, so it's nice to stay updated on her life. PS: She's Catholic.
FitSugar - Keeping in shape is important, but this blog ties in a lot of different aspects of fitness. It's fairly evident I have picked up the pace in getting healthy and in shape again, so little tips and motivation go a long way with me.
iHeaden Version 25 - Another friend's blog. He's incredibly artistic and finds really interesting things around the Web. He finds things that make you laugh, think, smile, frown and wonder. I believe he updates a few times a day on MWF.
OK, your turn. What do you read?
- I'm so glad Robin Williams is doing well.
- Mandy Moore got married. How exciting!
- I really think Jen and John should make up their minds. They split. Again.
- Gotta love Britney's new video, If You Seek Amy.
- I still think Channing Tatum is cute; even if he has big ears.
- I'm unimpressed with the trailer and Jen's hairstyles.
Media-Go-Round: 3/6-3/16
- Hachette Filipacchi moving to Wall Street? A new money-saving trend?
- More trimming around the edges for most magazine companies.
- Layoffs were found here and here and here. Plus a fold here and here. And possible folds here. Times are tough.
- NCAA Tournament to help CBS Internet Ad Revenue. My bracket is done!
- A Twitterview? Seriously? Does anyone else find this a little odd?
Playing Catch Up
But my blogging did, in fact, suffer as did my reading of various blogs. So today I'm playing catch up.
And I also have to make it down to the gym soon. A week off from the treadmill may have slowed me down, but I'm still going to conquer it. You just wait.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
It's BRITNEY tonight!
I wish I had more time to say more, but I just wanted to drop in and let you know that I'm still here. So I'll leave you with this--a working to-do list for this year. (But of fun things, of course. I have a more serious to-do list. Quite honestly, I love to-do lists.)
1) Go to Vegas.
2) Go to a wine tasting.
3) Get a Wii.
4) Learn to really play the guitar.
I need more fun things to do outside of what I usually do that are actually possible. Have any suggestions? What have you done lately outside of your box? Maybe we should make plans together!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I'm a Tar Heel Born!

I graduated in May 08. People outside of Carolina find it odd that I still care about all things Carolina. They say, "You aren't at school anymore. Why do you care?" My reaction is usually something along the lines of "Are you serious? I'll always be a Tar Heel." I'm very proud to say that I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I will always hate Dook basketball. I don't care if I live in North Carolina, New York, Alaska, China, Argentina, wherever. I'm a Tar Heel born; I'm a Tar Heel bred; and when I die, I'm a Tar Heel dead!
Is that strange? Am I strange? Do most of you hold on to your alma maters? Do you stop caring after you graduate? Let me know! (Unless, of course, you're a dook fan. HA!)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Hello from New York
Nevertheless, I wanted to remind you to spring forward your clocks tonight! Here's a little advice from FitSugar about the time difference and working out. Spring is FINALLY on its way!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Sometimes You Just Need a Good Song
Oh I swear this town gets smaller everyday,
and I'm waitin' for my chance.
I'm gonna break away.
I'm so sick and tired of being told
what's good for me.
People got lots of ideas
of who I'm supposed to be.
Angel carry me, oh so far away.
May my body never touch the ground.
And If I promise you I'll be back someday,
will you set me free so I can fly away?
Fly away, fly away
Well most folks here,
well, they don't dig too deep.
They can't dream too big
'cause they've got fields to keep.
I could walk away
and leave behind my family
or get buried alive in this legacy.
I wanna sleep under a different piece of sky.
I wanna live a little bit before I die.
I wanna be so close to heaven I see angels.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Moving At a Slower Pace
Free Resume Printing Rocks
Why? BECAUSE IT'S FREE! (I told you I love free things.) According to their Web site, FedEx Office is hosting "FedEx Office Free Resume Printing Day"and will print up to 25 black and white copies of each customer's resume for free. Heads up though, the orders have to be placed and picked up in-store. Getting out of your pajamas and to a Fedex store is small price to pay for beautiful FREE copies of your resume.
From the site: “We understand that the economy has affected many people in a very profound way, and we want to help,” said Brian Philips, president and CEO of FedEx Office. “Printing resumes is one small way we can use our resources to help those who need it.”
Thanks buddy! Get the details on the closest one to you at their Web site or call 1-800-Go-FedEx.
- The Reader's Digest Association not only face a possible bankruptcy, but some freelancers are boycotting their most recent launches.
- On a slightly positive note, at least traffic for magazine Web site's are up.
- Why aren't there any women Chief White House Correspondents?
- ASNE's convention cancellation will cost some big bucks, but they're still ok financially.
- "Mr. Magazine" to launch the Magazine Innovation Center. Invite me?
- Poor Rodale. Layoffs suck.
No Money? No Problem!
1) A one year subscription to Glamour for $1.50. Seriously. I'm so mad I already subscribe to it. Ladies, please help keep my dream alive and subscribe. It's a pretty good magazine to read anyways.
2) Get oatmeal from Jamba Juice for $1 all March with this coupon. There are some exceptions, but hey, it's worth a try! After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
3) One good thing about living in the South is that I have a RedBox again. The great thing about RedBox is the free rentals it randomly dishes out. (And a $1/night rental charge isn't a killer either.)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
- I hope Chris Brown gets charged with a felony.
- Reese Witherspoon opens up for Elle. She's one tough cookie; I admire her.
- Kristen Stewart seems more and more like an idiot everyday.
- Sleepless in Seattle will be a musical! I bet my mom would want to see that.
- No Doubt has a pretty sweet deal. I wish I could go see them in concert.
- I'm in love with Ryan Gosling.
My Dream Come True
Watch the Dessert
Care for a Girl Scout cookie? We're pretty far into the cookie season. I have four boxes in the freezer and an empty one in the trash. And honestly, I've always known that these cookies are not exactly the healthiest, but when you really break it down, it's a little upsetting. My favorites are the peanut butter patties (Tagalongs) and the Samoas (the little wheel ones with caramel). What about you?
I'll let you read this article on your own, while I find a way to eat these cookies in moderation. If I come up with successful tips, I'll be sure to share. I hope you share yours, too!
Surviving Girl Scout Cookie Season: Can you enjoy Girl Scout cookies without blowing your diet?
What's for Dinner?
Some of them are pretty interesting, too. Anyone who knows me knows I have a fairly awful addiction to fast food joints. My top three are McDonalds, Taco Bell and Bojangles. So when I saw this article about America's Top 10 healthiest restaurants on, it definitely had my interest.
Here's the list:
1: Panera
2: Jason's Deli
3: Au Bon Pain
4: Noodles & Company
5: Corner Bakery Cafe
6: Chipotle
7: Atlanta Bread
9: Einstein Bros Bagels
10: Taco Del Mar
Crazy, huh? BUT (don't act like you didn't know there was a but) that doesn't mean you can eat anything and everything from each place. They all have an unhealthy side, too. Make sure you check out the original article to see why each place made the list and what to order next time you go! Sadly, a large fries and medium vanilla milkshake isn't the healthiest option at McDonalds...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Motivation is Key, Pt. 2
Maybe everyone already knew about this, but while skimming CNN for interesting news to blog about, I came across a pretty awesome blog: Young People Who Rock. According to the blog, it's "a weekly interview series focused on people under 30 — from CEOs to entertainers to athletes to community and political leaders — who are doing remarkable things." UNDER 30. That leaves me seven years to make it on the blog. But seriously, some of these stories are absolutely incredible and moving. They also encourage me to keep trekking.
In part of my doing something, tonight I'm attending a free financial workshop. Sounds like a good thing to do right now, don't you think?
Unibrow Be Gone!
Bliss Spa will be offering free signature brow waxes to the first 25 customers to enter their city's spa next Friday. Make sure you mention you saw the special on BellaSugar (and don't forget to tip esthetician!).
Luckily, I'll be back in NY for the 13th, so hopefully I'll get the chance to pop over. My brows could definitely use a little TLC. And maybe all you spring-breakers will end up near a Bliss Spa, too!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Motivation is Key
Running, however, is something that I don't have the same motivation for. I attempted to run on the treadmill today. Thank goodness I was the only one in the gym, so embarassing. So when I read the Words That Move You slideshow on FitSugar, I knew I had to share it. Here are some of my favorites:
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing; that's why we recommend it daily." — Zig Ziglar
"Fall seven times, stand up eight." —Japanese proverb
"It's a dream until you write it down, and then it's a goal."– Anonymous
Treadmill, don't think I won't be back tomorrow. You're totally going down.
Snow Day
In order to hit the gym (which I must because I didn't go yesterday), I must be brave and head into the snow. Don't worry; I'll gather enough courage to go soon enough.
I have to go in order to regain strength and flexibility for this WILD yoga pose. I'm DEFINITELY going to try it (and hope that I don't break anything). And of course, I'll let you know what happens.
Sadly, I also have a sink full of dishes that need washing that I've been putting off all morning by feeding my new addiction to Twitter. I had no idea so many people/establishments were on it. I've also been catching up on all my blog reading. RSS feeds are honestly fantastic. If you don't use them or a reader or whatever, you really ought to.
Ok, so the dishes, the mail (my mom sent me a care package! i hope it's here!) and the gym are calling my name. (More like screaming really.) So I'll be back later this evening.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Food Gone Bad
Here I thought I was doing a good thing by choosing some of Progresso soups instead of Campbell's Chunky whatever-they're-called soups. Reality check: Neither are good for you. Stupid sodium ruins everything. I'm also saddened by the Chipotle, Starbucks and Cold Stone, but let's face it, I knew those were coming. I will admit that this list wasn't as depressing as a list I found a while ago though. That list included the cheese fries at Outback Steakhouse THAT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE and ate nearly every weekend back in the day.
But really, the key isn't about not eating these foods, right? Moderation is still the going idea, right? If it isn't, don't tell me.
So do you eat any of the foods on the list? Did any surprise you?