Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An Apple a Day

Thanks to friends, blogs, etc., I've noticed a lot of "one-a-day" sites. You know, those sites that offer one thing a day. They're fairly entertaining. I figured I'd share a few I've come across that I enjoy.

If you're on the job search like many of us, I suggest One Day One Job. It mainly focuses on entry level jobs, but I'm sure anyone can benefit from it. The companies showcased on the site are often very unique and interesting companies.

Hey college students, they do the same thing for internships, too! Check out One Day One Internship. Maybe you'll find an internship that will change your entire life. You never know.

For those of you interested in quotes or motivation like me, check out Oneaday. It provides one Chinese idiom a day. It even shows how to write it in Chinese characters. Today's is "The road to happiness is always strewn with difficulties and setbacks."

I'd like to say I'm a writer, and sometimes I fall victim to writer's block. One Word provides a fun little exercise to help break free of the block. It gives you one word and you have one minute to write about it. It seriously times you though, so don't stop to delete and edit. Just let it flow.

Music is constantly playing in the background as I run through my chores of the day. It's pretty much replaced my habit of watching hours of TV. Even in school, I used to listen to music while writing papers, etc. It just helps me focus. So clearly, I welcome new music all the time leading me to tell you about OnesongOneday. It's just like the title suggests; one song each day.

Do you have any sites like this? I'd love to hear about more.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog !
And thanks to have talked about us!

Pie said...

Thanks! And thanks for having your blog around. Lots of great music!

I hope you stop by again soon!