Unfortunately, because they’re exotic, they are clearly going to be expensive. It looks like they range anywhere from $1,500 to $20,000. (That’s right; I looked around.) So I probably won’t be getting one unless I win the lottery. If that happens, I’ll have a house full of Savannahs! I also can’t have one if I want to live in New York City, Alaska, Iowa, Hawaii, Massachusetts or Georgia. Lame.
Nevertheless, you can get them with different degrees of “wildness.” I think I would like a 75 percent domestic 25 percent serval combination, which would be an F2 Savannah. They’re also a little bigger than your average cat and tend to have long legs. You can train your kitty to go on walks on a leash and to play fetch! They tend to enjoy water, too. Also they can “chortle” like their wild counterparts do or they might purr like their domestic counterparts or both. They also have a snake-like hiss; so great.
Doesn't this kind of make you want one, too?
When did hissing like a snake become a good thing?
Ok, well if you saw it on TV, you would think it's cool. And I don't know, I like cats that hiss.
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