Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day

This is the view from my dining room window. See all that powdery white stuff on the ground? IT'S SNOW, and quite frankly, I hate snow. It's wet and cold and gross.

In order to hit the gym (which I must because I didn't go yesterday), I must be brave and head into the snow. Don't worry; I'll gather enough courage to go soon enough.

I have to go in order to regain strength and flexibility for this WILD yoga pose. I'm DEFINITELY going to try it (and hope that I don't break anything). And of course, I'll let you know what happens.

Sadly, I also have a sink full of dishes that need washing that I've been putting off all morning by feeding my new addiction to Twitter. I had no idea so many people/establishments were on it. I've also been catching up on all my blog reading. RSS feeds are honestly fantastic. If you don't use them or a reader or whatever, you really ought to.

Ok, so the dishes, the mail (my mom sent me a care package! i hope it's here!) and the gym are calling my name. (More like screaming really.) So I'll be back later this evening.


Loopaleep said...

Finally a snow day. The pose looks like it hurts.

Brittany Murphy said...

Why would you do that yoga pose!?! That's insane! Oh, and I agree about the snow. It's got to stop, I mean it's MARCH.

Pie said...

Well, I definitely tried it. Why do I want to do it? Because it'd be super cool if I could do it!