Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And It's Hot! Hot! Hot!

A friend and I were talking about how excited we were about the weather this weekend. We're in two different locations, but each place should be in the mid to high 80s. How exciting! I'll be trapped inside for most of the week writing essays to apply for jobs, but this weekend I'm definitely getting out. Anyways, it made me think of this site I recently found. (I forget where I found it. If it was you, let me know and I'll fix it with a shout out.) The site is called "The F***ing Weather." It's pretty funny, especially on days when the weather sucks.

I hope everyone plans to spend the weekend outside. If you're a fan of yard sales, you need to check out this site: Yard Sale Treasure Map. It will provide a map of all the yard sales near you on whatever day you want. Genius! Are you a bigger walker? Why not find out your neighborhood's Walk Score and see what's close to you? Or maybe you're moving and want to find a walk-friendly neighborhood. It's definitely a useful resource.

I have a friend visiting, so I'm be playing tourist again. We'll probably end up walking the National Mall, maybe the zoo and other fun places. What are your plans?

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