Monday, March 23, 2009


There were a lot of ups and downs this week.

- Natasha Richardson suffered a serious head injury while skiing and passed away. Please always wear a helmet.
- Bruce Willis married model and actress Emma Heming.
- Harrison Ford proposed to Calista Flockheart over Valentine's Day weekend. They've been together for seven and a half years.
- One of my favorite designers Marc Jacobs also got engaged.
- This is why I don't like deer. Poor Matt Lauer.


Slurryoffagrape said...

Yes it sure was tragic that Natasha Richardson died. One of the awful things that can happen to any of us, and which turn things from joy to horror in split second.

What really gets me, and it gets me every single time, is the Politically-Correct-Health-and-Safety-There-Must-Be-No-Risk stuff that ALWAYS follows anything like this.

I get real mad at the usual who-can-we-blame follow ups. On the (British) news we had statisticians, various experts, surgeons, ……….the whole bleddy lot, all dug up as per the usual by the Fear Media, who would have us all cocooned to the point of immobility and stifling lethargy if they had their way.

The thing is, they are having their way, and it’s more apparent with every generation now.

The statistics of head injuries in skiing are very, very low, ………..but even if they weren’t, why do those who don’t like to take risks feel so bound to stop those of us who do?

No, wear a helmet if you feel better from being safer, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to feel safe, but if you consider the consequences and prefer to feel the freedom and the extra ‘edge’ that comes with being less well protected, then go you ahead and have fun.

I know you mean well, but you’re just joining the knee-jerk weenies out there. Break ranks, and take a walk on the Wild Side hunny. :o)

Crazy Kev. x :o)

Pie said...

Hey Kev! Thanks for commenting!

I have to say I kind of disagree though. I think if you're well aware of the consequences, then maybe it's ok to take risks. But I feel a lot of people that take those risks hardly ever think things out entirely, and that's the point. Also I feel like you can take risks and live on the wild side while still being safe.

Maybe it's just my approach to things though. I'm definitely more of a "I'd rather be safe than sorry" person.

But thanks again for commenting! I appreciate hearing your side of things!