Monday, March 30, 2009

A Never-Ending Story: Women and Men

While scouring through the ridiculous amount of blogs now in my Google Reader (I’m up to 72!), I came across this article, “9 Things I Learned About Women From Editing Maxim,” and it made me laugh. I love the endless amount of lists that supposedly explain everything about women or men. The relationship between women and men continues to amaze and amuse me.

The author Keith Blanchard edited Maxim for four years and came out with this list of things he learned about women. Below are a few of my favorites with comments. (If you click on the article, you can read his comments on his list. I think it's worth reading (if anything for a good laugh).

His fact: Women like when you play with their hair.

I agree with this one especially when you’re cuddling in bed or on the couch watching TV. It’s so calming. But it isn’t like we’re the only ones that like this. I know quite a few guys who like this, too.

His fact: Women have the raw deal.

Finally, someone that recognizes this. His explanation is funny and sad all at the same time:

“We actually catalogued the details in one of the earliest Maxim pieces, "50 Reasons It's Great To Be a Guy." You know: "you don't have to carry a purse around," and "just one mood, all month long, ha ha!" and so on. Well, as the guys brainstormed, our list kept growing ("haircuts are cheaper!" and "more pay for the same work!" and "nobody is ever, ever looking at your ass!") and it started to dawn on us that this wasn't just a funny conceit: Biology and society have conspired to stack the deck unfairly against the fairer sex in dozens of ways.”

His fact: Women don’t believe men’s wandering gaze is innocent.

I like his reasoning here, too. He pretty much says that guys should try harder not to get caught. If it truly is an innocent gaze (see fact: He’s right. I don’t.), then stare on your free time. You aren’t with us all the time. Sadly, us girls know we can be a little self-conscious and we know you know that, too. Spare us from doubting ourselves and from the argument that’s bound to happen. It’s what going out with your buddies is for.


Cookie said...

I will admit that I frequently stare at the ass of a guy who works with me/I hook up with occasionally. It's not just for guys ;)

But this is a great article.

Pie said...

I'm pretty sure everyone stares. My opinion is that you should not stare in front of your significant other or if you do, don't get caught.

Check out the woman side. Not as interesting, but still good.