Sunday, March 29, 2009

How Exciting!

I'm so proud of myself today, and I want to share the reason why with all of you!

I ran TWO miles today on the treadmill in 25 minutes (five minute cool down included). I don't know how I kept running, but I did. AND I wasn't even really watching TV. I was listening to music though. This, my friends, is a milestone in the ongoing quest to conquer the treadmill.

Treadmill, you are so going down. Victory is MINE!


Jo said...

Good for you...!

That's pretty good time.

I think I'm successful if I walk on the treadmill for 25 minutes!

Pie said...

Thanks! I normally hate running, but I've been working hard at getting back into the flow of things. Hopefully I'll continue to cut down my time.

I was really excited about this though!